Number of Products one-time translation up to 2000 up to 5000 up to 5000
LOCO APP Month 0 Kč 490 Kč 1990 Kč custom
AI localisation* 0,05 Kč per word 0,03 Kč per word 0,02 Kč per word 0,01 Kč per word
Connection to 1 language mutation of the e-shop / automation + 490 Kč + 490 Kč + 490 Kč custom
TRIAL 50 FREE products 50 FREE products 50 FREE products 50 FREE products
No of products 5 000 - 15 000 15 000 - 30 000 30 000 - 60 000 60 000 - 100 000 100 000 - 150 000 150 000 - 200 000
Price LOCO/month 3 990 Kč 7 990 Kč 9 990 Kč 11 990 Kč 13 990 Kč 15 990 Kč
Price for localization word/CZK 0,01 Kč 0,01 Kč 0,01 Kč 0,01 Kč 0,01 Kč 0,01 Kč
Connection to 1 language mutation of the e-shop / automation 990 Kč 990 Kč 1 980 Kč 1 980 Kč 1 980 Kč 1 980 Kč


LOCO / month | - Translation tool for your products


AUTO translation CZK/ 100 words - Only translates new and unique sentences that LOCO does not know and does not have in TRANSLATION MEMORY (counts the number of words in these sentences)
Translation price estimate for your products - one-time translation price for selected products

<aside> 📍

LOCO is a platform that can also rate the quality of localization for you using the LOCO QUALITY SCORE. You edit bad translations and texts in LOCO, which constantly learns and keeps them in the TRANSLATION MEMORY of your e-shop.


Ceník - soupis funkcí

Aa Function START MEDIUM-LARGE LOCO - Enterprise
Localisation Y Y Y
Detection of DUPLICATES Y Y Y
Translation MEMORY Y Y Y
Demand for PRO Y Y Y
Generating AI content (SEO) Y Y Y
Improvement of HTML tags Y Y Y
Product price adjustments Y Y Y
Product price adjustments Y Y Y
Support Y Y Y
Account manager N Y Y
Regular export = automatisation (XML, API) N Y Y
Detection of changes and their updates N Y Y
LOCO quality score N Y Y
Custom dictionary N Y Y
Custom adjustments of Translation MEMORY N Y Y
Smart translation editing interface N Y Y
No of languages - unlimited N Y Y
Change history N Y Y
Translation agencies integrations N Y Y
Own translators interface N N Y
Own translators statistics N N Y

What does "Number of words in unique texts" mean and how are they calculated?

LOCO - details for payment

porovnání obou tarifů Start a Medium, včetně jejich výhod a doporučení.