Errors caused by importing files on Shoptet

If the user wants to change something on the target e-shop (product image, name, etc.), he should:

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How to import changes from the source e-shop to LOCO and then export them to the target e-shop can be found in this help → How to import and export products


Changes in the target e-shop using import files

If the user needs to update, for example, prices and stock in the target e-store, he can make these changes via import files.

However, he needs to omit any items in the file that could make a change to the product that needs to be made via LOCO. For example:

Sample import file for updating prices and stock

When creating an export file in Shopket, we only mark items with prices and stock: in the file.

The Shoptet automatically tags product codes and product names in a mandatory manner. These items will therefore be in the file as well: